Sunday, June 21, 2009



“Finishing belongs to those that look at the future not the beginning or the going at hand or small start in life” the raace of fatherhood is a swift one but we need to look unto God for wisdom to lead.

I urge the fathers to always remember that as leaders they should lead and not block the way for their family to grow, for the power of life and dead is in the tounge.

Isaiah 33:6
Ist Corinthian 15:10
2nd Corinthian 9:8 also 9:10
Ephesians 2:9 – 10
Ephesians 3:8 – 11

There are several challenges of fatherhood today, so fathers are expected to be born again Christians and serve God and ask for divine wisdom to be leaders at home, since fathers are husband, fathers and leaders at home.

But I would discuss mainly some key issues that actually fathers need to know which are great barriers in fatherhood. Some of these issues are socio-cultural which include:

Physical Challenges: which include, the father discharging his daily responsibilities and discharging the duties of finances and also taking care of the family.

Spiritual Responsibilities Challenges: every fathers should know that as a leader of the house, it is important to allow the Holy spirit to guide and direct your home. if the father does not allow the Holy spirit to guide and lead , such family cant be lead properly, there would be problem every day in such homes.

Moral Challenges: also barriers good fatherhood, every father should be able to train the children in a way that is profitable unto God, cause the fear of The Lord in a child would make child prong to not involving themselves in immoral acts.

Social Challenges: In such times as what we hear economy meltdown and recessions and wars and high crime rates, in such times, fathers should be able to teach their children not to be corrupted by the social ill of the society. By this fathers can be rest assured that what ever the pressure on their children, the children can stand up tall to such challenges.

Environment Challenges: You all know that environment that a child grows up determine how the child reason, talk or behave, fathers should able to make the children live in a crime free environment or at least able to teach the children to abstain from gangstarism, drugs, cultism and belonging to bad companies.

Economic Challenges: You know as well that every father has to be able to provide and take care of the family, as the bible commands, but sometimes, redundancy from work, business not moving, there is a tendency that the children can stray and start becoming breadwinners of the family which is wrong, they maybe involve in immoral acts to try to meet up with present day demands.

You should know that the father is the anchor in the family and the anchor holds firmly in Jesus Christ, Read 1st Corinthian 3:11, also read Proverbs 6, Oh you sluggard go to the ants and learn.

Always remember that righteousness exalts a nation and sin reproof or brings it down. Read Isaiah 37:33, 38:17.

Most of all the greatest challenge of fatherhood is to come to term with His responsibilities as a husband, father and a leader. “For where purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable” .

Also the issue of identity also challenge fatherhood, as a father you need to be identify with Christ and the church, so your children could emulate. Always know that a good father loves God. Read John 20:17. A good father loves his wife, his children. Remember love is not giving gift, but giving yourself totally. The father is a role model to his family.

Remember above all that it is God that can deliver us from these challenges.

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